Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Donec in diam aliquet, sagittis mauris sed, ullamcorper nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Mauris sit amet orci nec nulla posuere semper.
Interested in buying?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam nisl est, faucibus sit amet tempor eu, ultrices et justo. Phasellus a diam justo. Duis ligula elit, congue eu tellus eu, tincidunt luctus turpis. Donec ultricies, orci ut euismod rutrum, tortor augue fringilla tortor, non tincidunt eros nisi vitae ligula. Vestibulum id vulputate sem, sed posuere erat. Suspendisse purus enim, tristique quis purus et, condimentum malesuada erat. Nulla finibus, augue a varius porta, neque est finibus velit, eget maximus ipsum lectus volutpat est. Fusce semper metus vitae purus pretium, finibus ultricies arcu dictum.
Interested in selling?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam nisl est, faucibus sit amet tempor eu, ultrices et justo. Phasellus a diam justo. Duis ligula elit, congue eu tellus eu, tincidunt luctus turpis. Donec ultricies, orci ut euismod rutrum, tortor augue fringilla tortor, non tincidunt eros nisi vitae ligula. Vestibulum id vulputate sem, sed posuere erat. Suspendisse purus enim, tristique quis purus et, condimentum malesuada erat. Nulla finibus, augue a varius porta, neque est finibus velit, eget maximus ipsum lectus volutpat est. Fusce semper metus vitae purus pretium, finibus ultricies arcu dictum.
Meet the Team
Linda grew up in Louisiana, but she got to Texas as fast as she could! She loves the wide variety of home styles and price points available in the Houston metro and surrounding areas and she believes that there is a perfect home for everyone and every budget.
Before becoming a realtor, Linda worked in the legal field for many years as a legal assistant, legal secretary, and a paralegal specializing in corporate law, patent law, environmental law, and probate and estate planning. Linda’s experience in the legal field helps her efficiently negotiate and execute real estate transactions.
Her goal is to provide her clients with the best and smoothest buying/selling/leasing experience possible with award winning customer service!
Samantha is a 5th- generation native Houstonian who grew up in The Woodlands, Texas. She began her Real Estate career in 2014. Prior to this she worked in the oil and gas industry as an Administrative Assistant and as a Buyer/Purchaser for multiple Fortune 500 companies. After years of working in this industry she decided to change her career path doing something she loves where she could make a difference by helping families make good decisions regarding home ownership. She believes that being a Realtor is so much more than helping people select a home. It’s about listening to your buyers, sellers, being their counselor, giving them marketing advice and making sure that at the end of the day, you helped them feel comfortable with one of the most important decisions of their lives. Her belief system is based upon treating others how you want to be treated, always telling the truth, going above and beyond what is expected, by providing her clients and their families with the tools they need to sell or purchase a home. She is extremely conscientious, focused and family orientated and strives to work hard for her clients and their families.